Thursday, October 9, 2008

Serger Classes

Yvonne Hylander has let us know she has completed the Serger Licencing from Martha Pullen and has 22 different project sheets from the week long session. So if there's any technique you've been wanting to learn send us a list and we can schedule classes. Also include which day of the week you're available as well as the time. Examples of classes are: Heirloom quilts, baby items (quilt, night gown, booties), beginner serging, lace blouse, etc. I'd like to do a beginner's class on a Wednesday or Friday so I hope others will put down those days!

The basic fee is a steal at $20 for a day class. Class size will be 2-5 students.

This is very exciting and I know we'll get a great response.

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